Call to Awe: A Pre-High Holiday Immersive Learning Experience

JCC Manhattan

This day-long series of workshops and study sessions with Romemu teachers will expand participants’ understanding of the depth and power of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, offering each person the opportunity to engage in the process of introspection through body work, art, writing, song, prayer, meditation, and text study.

Following our day of study, please join us for «What Really Matters in a Spiritual Practice?» a conversation between Sylvia Boorstein and David Ingber at 7 PM (separate registration required). Practice teaches us that what really matters is healing our hearts, healing our relationships, and healing our planet. But how do we cultivate and live with open hearts in these difficult times? Following the conversation, there will be time for practice as well as discussion with the audience.

Use code ROMSEPT10 for a special discount offered to the Romemu community.

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Адрес: New York, 334 Amsterdam Ave

Call to Awe: A Pre-High Holiday Immersive Learning Experience

New York, 334 Amsterdam Ave