Young Lawyers & Friends Hanukkah Party

UJA-Federation of New York

Everyone’s welcome to grab some gelt, spin a dreidel, raise a glass, and celebrate Hanukkah with us at the Young Lawyers & Friends Hanukkah Party.

Hosted by UJA’s Young Lawyers and ELP

UJA will provide kosher snacks, as the food served by the venue is not kosher.

You can make a difference — literally. Bring kosher shelf-stable food — your favorite canned and boxed staples – and we’ll use it in ways you’ve never seen before — including as part of our ground-breaking anti-poverty initiative.

Registration is required for this event. For tickets, please visit:

Young Lawyers & Friends Hanukkah Party Chairs: Jamie Greenfield, Elizabeth Kamens, David Snyder

Young Lawyers Division Community Chair: Irina Kobylevsky

Young Lawyers & Friends Hanukkah Party Committee (in formation): Sipoura Barzideh, Rachel Behar, Jonathan Bernstein, Valerie Bluth, Beth Brownstein, Alexander Chester, Josh Eisenson, Carrie Gilman, Ryan Greenwald, Allison Klein, Adam Kravitz, Noah Mamis, Jillian Merns, Michael Samson, Richard Shamos, Nomi Teplitsky, Sebastian Zar

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Адрес: New York, 232 E 9th St

Young Lawyers & Friends Hanukkah Party

New York, 232 E 9th St