JULY 28TH — AUGUST 05TH, 2018
Whether you have been before or it is your first time, MJE’s summer trip to Israel is the perfect way to see our country and connect to our homeland. From Jerusalem hot spots to the mystical Tzfat, volunteering and a Shabbat spent with locals. Join other 20’s & 30’s for this meaningful experience!
Up to 50% off Stipends available for qualifying participants who attend 12 classes! Classes include any MJE class, dinner, educational event as well as Shabbat services. Attendees will be responsible to keep a personal log of 12 classes+dates attended to be presented to MJE in exchange for stipend. Email Israel@jewishexperience.org for more details about stipend and to learn more about the trip.
MORE INFORMATION: www.jewishexperience.org/israel-trip/
To Apply: bit.ly/mjeHERITAGE2018
For more information about packages and stipends please contact: Israel@jewishexperience.org