NYC Nosh:pitality | [Matzah] Ball [Soup] is Life


With Passover just around the corner, people across the country and the world are gearing up for a week of celebrating freedom and enjoying unleavened food. At the center of many a meal will be matzah ball soup, and lots of folks hold out all year just to savor the first bite at the seder a little bit more. Join OneTable and Chef Jonathan Posner of Wandering Foods Productions to learn about some of the Judaism behind the iconic dish, and how you can make the. best. matzah. balls. of. your. life from now until forever! Jonathan brings years of restaurant experience, and some rabbinical school training to our table at WeWork NoMad Thursday, March 22nd. Join us as we make Jewish practice more delicious and Jewish eating even more meaningful this Passover season! Ticket price includes a matzah ball soup meal, with snacks and a cocktail to boot. You’re not going to want to «pass over» this «souper» experience.

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Адрес: New York, 79 Madison Ave

NYC Nosh:pitality | [Matzah] Ball [Soup] is Life

New York, 79 Madison Ave