Triangle Fire + See You in the Streets

Center for Jewish History

Join ILR Professor Nick Salvatore & Artist Ruth Sergel for a lively discussion of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, a tragedy that has inspired generations of social activism and a centennial commemoration. Learn about New York’s heritage of Jewish and Italian immigrant cultures, work ethics, and shared, dense neighborhoods. Find out how the Fire affected American laboriaws, women’s rights, building codes, and factory guidelines. The Triangle Fire’s story continues to grow as global struggles for social justice focus on labor conditions.Today “CHALK” —a street-writing community commemoration— annually honors the Triangle Dead and empowers the living.

Sponsors: Jewish Studies — Cornell University joins with Cornell University ILR School, Center for Jewish History and The American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS). The Triangle Fire’s archives reside at the Cornell ILR School’s Catherwood Library, Kheel Center.

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Адрес: New York, 15 W 16th St

Triangle Fire + See You in the Streets

New York, 15 W 16th St