Manhattan Jewish Experience is a warm and open community where young men and women can explore Jewish life and meet new people. We offer social, cultural, spiritual and educational events. It is the answer to your mother’s kvetching, but we promise you’ll like it too!
Shabbat Dinners ● Classes ● Retreats ● Beginners Services ● Holiday Parties ● Israel Trips & Advocacy
Ticket includes admission and a drink! REGISTER — Thursday, February 22nd | 5:30-8:30 PM YJPs 20s & 30s The Gem Saloon 375
APPLY HERE: Join us on Friday night February 23, 2018 for MJE & CAMERA’S Partnership dinner and open bar with 100 young
MJE 19th Annual Dinner! Tuesday, March 13 @6pm | Museum of Jewish Heritage 36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280 GET TICKETS: