Throughout the Jewish year we celebrate holidays together, we self reflect and relax on Shabbat, we learn Torah together, and we are happy as a community. A community is also defined by celebrating together and being together during challenging times. Tisha B’Av is a day that we recognize our hardships, it is a day we should accept our losses, and a day to learn how to cope, in a Jewish way, with sadness.
On Tisha b’Av, we commemorate tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people, many of which occurred on the ninth of Av. At MJE, we will gather to read Eicha (the Book of Lamentations) and to discuss and reflect upon the themes of the day with classes, prayer, and films.
Monday, July 31 – Night program of Eicha, Discussions, and Songs
8:12 pm Fast Begins
8:00 pm Mincha, Maariv, and Meaningful and Explanatory reading of the Book of Lamentations (Eicha) followed by Tisha B’av songs and a moving multimedia presentation
Tuesday, August 1 – All-day program of Discussions, Prayer and Classes
(in conjunction with The Jewish Center)
10:00 am Morning service with MJE on the 10th floor
11:00 am-1:30 Kinot (Melancholy Poetry) readings and discussion on themes of Tisha B’av with Rabbi Mark Wildes, Rabbi Joshua D. Klein, and Ruthie Shulman (10th floor)
1:02 pm Chatzot — Midday
1:40 pm Early afternoon service at The Jewish Center
2:30 pm Tisha B’av screening of two movies
6:00 pm Class by Rabbi Mark Wildes
7:45 pm Afternoon service with The Jewish Center and class with Rabbi Zirkind from the Jewish Center
8:43 pm Fast Ends